Welcome to Gowri Computer Services

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hi to all Heartly Welcome to Gowri Computer Services.


As your Trusted IT Advisor we strive to offer a complete IT solution for your business. As such we have developed additional services based on requests from our business clients. Some of these are handled locally, others are handled by dedicated and prescreened specialists around the country.

These services include:
  • Leasing - Should you require leasing for new systems and hardware, we generally recommend specialist IT leasing companies who focus on business to ensure you get competitive rates.
  • Data recovery - When physical damage to hardware has occurred or when traditional methods are unable to recover data we call in our specialists. The physical device is shipped to a laboratory for examination.
  • Forensic data analysis - Required where electronic records need to be deciphered for legal reasons. This is a very specific field of analysis and requires legal knowledge to be completed successfully.
  • Ink and toner - Don’t pay full retail pricing for your printer ink and toner supplies, many businesses are unaware they can buy at wholesale rates or use cheaper new compatible cartridges.
  • Hardware upgrades - Improve the performance of your computer with component upgrades for a fraction of the cost of a new computer.
  • Accessories - Talk to us about software, speakers, adaptors, cables and many other peripherals and accessories.
  • Power protection - Protect your IT investment against serious electrical and physical damage caused by lightening and power supply fluctuations (power surges).
  • Uninterrupted power supplies - Prevent data corruption or data loss caused by sudden loss of power with a battery backup system which allows your equipment to shutdown correctly.
  • IP camera systems - IP surveillance recording equipment allows visual monitoring over the web.


Business information is often one of a business’ main assets, yet the risk of data loss through a catastrophic incident, corruption or theft may threaten the ability of your business to survive.

It’s something that no business owner wants to think about. What would happen if tomorrow all your information was gone? All of your client records, emails, financial records, documents, artwork and HR fi les totally destroyed, gone? History tells us that almost half (43%) of all businesses who suffer a catastrophic data loss will never reopen and even more will be out of business within a year.

Small businesses are among the most vulnerable because too-often they lack full-time IT support, which means backups may not be running, or may not be backing up all of your critical fi les.

Fortunately Computer Troubleshooters has easy Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) solutions ranging from simple, low-cost online backup options up to our fully managed BDR solution.
On-site scheduled backup – Data backup to a local storage device at scheduled intervals.
Near-real-time backup – Data backup to a local BDR server device.
Server backup – Simultaneous backup for 1 to 20 local Windows servers.
Secure off site remote storage – All backup images are securely transmitted to remote servers for maximum safety and protection from localised catastrophic disasters.
On-site virtual server – In case of a server failure, our on-site virtual server can be remotely configured to assume the functions of the dead machine in less than one hour. This allows our clients to continue working while we work to repair the dead server and makes restoring the data to the repaired server very quick and easy.
Data restoration – Local restoration from the on-site virtual server or backup file is generally quick and relatively painless if the correct procedures have been followed.
Managed backup – The ultimate BDR solution is monitored 24/7 by our network operations centre, and in the case of any problems or issues the local Troubleshooter is immediately alerted.
Local Service - Get a Quick Response

from the Local Business who will do the job

Reliable & Experienced Service

8-4-390/A/10/4th floor, Premanager, Greshma Net,
Erragadda, Hyderabad-500018.A.P India, URL: www.gowricomputerservices.com
PH: 040-65352299, Email ID : Gowricomputerservices@gmail.com, 

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